The life and times of a thirtysomething suburban mom.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My Mommy

Today I am a little on the worried side. My mom is going to have a biopsy to find out if she has breast cancer. I hate to even say the word for fear it may come true. She was really scared and nervous when she called last night to tell me. My mom has hardly been sick a day in her life and my family has luckily not had to deal with a lot of medical issues, especially life threatening ones. My sister called as soon as she got off the phone with my mom. We kept telling ourselves that women have these issues sometimes but everything usually turns out fine. My dad is going with her and she said they should have the results very soon. I hope so. I don't have a lot of experience with these situations but waiting seems one of the more difficult parts. I am trying to pass the time by doing things to keep myself busy, but I am still worried about my mom. Mom's are so important to daughters and I have been blessed with a wonderful mom who is always on my side. Please say a prayer for her. Thank You.

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