The life and times of a thirtysomething suburban mom.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

To My Bonus Baby, Happy Birthday!!

We have this habit of giving our children several nicknames. Their birth order names are Blessing, Miracle, and Bonus. Blessing...we prayed one night, he came to us...Miracle...we prayed for 5years, and she came to us...and our precious Bonus baby came without any praying, buy boy did we do some praying after. You know the story, you think it takes a miracle to get pregnant so you are not as careful as you used to be, and here we are. But, sometimes the gifts are surprises. We all know children are a gift from God, but the idea of one when you are not expecting one can be overwhelming. My husband and I had to do some soul searching and remind ourselves what a true blessed event this was. She has brought our entire family together in way we were not before. And I mean everyone. I even got to see who my real friends were during this time. My mom was a big help, my little brother and I are almost sixteen years apart( from the same marriage). She had to change parts of her life, too. But the sacrifices are always worth it.
Thing 2 even came into this world differently then her siblings. We decided to have a csection at seven months because she, like her siblings , was way bigger then my 5'1" frame could handle. Her sister had dislocated her shoulder, so we didn't want a repeat. I am lucky in one way with my pregnancies, I have never gone past my due date. All three were induced in some way 7-14 days early. I also get pre-eclampsia. Bonus baby came in the world by csection ten days on August 3rd, 2004. She weighed 8lbs.15oz. ( not my biggest, but close) and 22in long. She had hair and big huge blue eyes just like her brothers, and both still have today. She is the one I can claim. She looks the most like me. Her sister looks like a cross of my sister and my hubby. She acts like me, too. Which is good and bad, of course. She can be very laid back but pitches a fit when she's hungry or tired. She doesn't seem to care she isn't really potty trained, but it is making me nutz!! She is and will be the glue for this family. She follows her sister everywhere, but she will be the one who tries to keep her sister on the straight an narrow someday. They remind me so much of my sister and I. They will be best friends and they will drive each other crazy. I am so glad they have each other.
When I look at little miss bonus baby, I can't believe I was even worried about what life would be like with three kids. Yes, money may be tighter but her laugh is so worth it. She teaches me more then any amount of money could buy. That old " patience " virtue creeps back into my life. Slow down, mamma. Thank you God for my little precious bonus baby, thing 2, little midget, beautiful baby girl. She is a good light for me to follow.

A post I want to pass ...Romeo Raccoon must die is one of the funniest posts I ever read.

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