The life and times of a thirtysomething suburban mom.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Childhood Dreams This is a "collaboration" post with crazy hip mamas. The topic is something I think of often especially when watching my own children.

My earliest childhood dream I remember was when I was in about first grade. I really thought being a teacher would be fun because whenever we played school I was always the teacher and got to boss everyone around. As I got older I realized there was a lot more to being a teacher. For instance, helping to shape those young minds I get to boss around.

My biggest childhood dream came when I was ten years old. I was going to Catholic School and had my first male teacher. (not a priest ) He was young, cool , and taught me to write my first real short story. In fact, he really liked my story and had me read it in front of the class. I was very shy and didn't want to but he convinced me. And what do you know, the other kids actually thought it was very cool. That was my first taste of fiction writing and finding something I was good at doing and just loved. The idea I could make up a story that other people would read and liked sounded great to me. I was already a huge daydreamer and loved to read. The teacher also gave me a lot of praise and that in turn gave me confidence. It also showed me, as I became older, what an influence a teacher can have on a young persons life. I will never forget the day John Lennon died because of this teacher. His reaction to John Lennon's death moved me so much for such a young person.
Unfortunately, I moved later on that school year, but my love for writing only increased. It helped me through the move and many other difficult times in my life. I developed not only a dream of becoming a published writer but a passion for writing. Also, my first childhood dream of becoming a teacher is a reality. I know now I touch every little young mind I teach in some way. I also realize my dream of being a writer has also come true. I have had a few minor things published but that is not what makes me a writer; my passion for putting my thoughts down on paper is what has made my childhood dreams come true.


Political Season said...

Defining your arrival as a writer - not by what others label, but by how you actively demonstrate those qualities within yourself- I say Cool! (And I'm just a crazy mama, not even one of your students.)

Nice post.

Bliss said...

absolutely! if you write, you're a writer. :-) and don't you ever stop. i've decided to do a special book just for my daughter and publish one copy at :-j