The life and times of a thirtysomething suburban mom.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Checking Out

Well, we just got back from our summer vacation at the beach. This is our fifth year in a row going to the same place with my in-laws. I really enjoy the beach, and we are definitely getting the place wired. We even discovered some new places. Actually, going with my in-laws is quite fun.( Did I mention my father in law surfs ). They watched the children for a night so my hubby and I could go out. Finally, after four sour apple martinis and one pound of snow crab we headed home. We took a walk on the beach and watched our condo until all the lights were out and then went up.

It is not that I don't want to be with my children I just need a break once in awhile. Summer vacation is to get away from it all anyway, right? I think my brain has taken a vacation lately. When I try to have an intellectual conversation my brain just takes a nap. When I am all alone I can have a conversation with just about anyone in my head. My husband says I might even make more sense with a glass of wine. That's why he married me!
The mamas on Crazyhipmamas are writing about camping. We tried actually camping in a tent last year. It really went pretty well. I am game for just about anything. We only stayed one night and froze our butts off. Making the food was the really fun part. I like to cook and using grills and making smores was right up my alley. The only thing I really hate...( besides the freezing part ) was the bathroom situation. We were very close to a clean one, and just don't eat anything too crazy or drink too much and you might be okay, but really the showers. I need to shower and with no one else but my husband. ( okay , occasionally my baby girl has been known to jump in) But not a whole campground. I don't care how clean it is.
So that's my vote for hotels/condos on my vacation. I'll try not to bore you with my opinion on crappy hotels. Let's just say I'll starve before I sleep with roaches.
Have a great vacation! My mind will check back in as soon as the laundry is done from most recent road trip.

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