The life and times of a thirtysomething suburban mom.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

How Blogging Came Into My Life

Of course I had heard of blogging, but I never really had time to find out about it, though. A friend of mine told me she had started her own blog about having two young kids and and working full time outside the home. She said it had been very theraputic for her. I absolutely love to write in my journal and have at least ten story lines and even more characters going on in my head. I have been this way since I was a child with my imaginary friends. And, as you may already be able to tell, I can babble on with the best of them. Having friends in your adult life with children can be challenging and I have found I have a lot more in common with people I have met on the internet then in everyday life. Maybe it is because we let our guards down more or our posts eventually get to a point and we don't have to get to know someone for two years and decide we really don't even like them. Only if we were like children and all became instant best friends.

That brings me to why I have started my blog. When I was searching out blogs I ran into a blog of an old friend of mine. It was actually quite chilling to see her face and writing on the internet. I knew this person like the back of my hand. See, we were best friends for almost twenty years. Maid of honor in each others weddings, had babies at the same time, helped each other through extremely tough times, that kind of friendship. It is very odd to read about events in someone's life that you were actually there for and experienced with them, but you no longer speak to them. She stopped speaking to me over two years ago for reasons beyond my control. (That is a whole other post ) It took me awhile to , but I decided I have a voice in this world , too. I know that sounds corny, but sometimes a major event in your life can take you to new places. I no longer read her blog because I feel too much like a voyeur. I write because I like to hear myself think outloud. I write because I feel like I am growing and learning new things everyday. My biggest source of wisdom over the last decade of my life is my children. They teach me everyday virtues without even trying. I know I am not anywhere near the same person as I was before I had children. They are my world but not all who I am, and I am learning that , too. Blogging has come into my life at a time when I know I need to be a little less serious and let my otherside(s) show, too. I am afterall a gemini. Most of us have a lot to share with others and what better way to find out about others little truths and widoms.

I can't wait to see how this is going to turn out. Stay Tuned...

My children need me and they are crying for food and attention. I guess I can oblige.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with this adventure!!