The life and times of a thirtysomething suburban mom.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Life On Easy Street

What I wouldn't give for an address on easy street. Sometimes it just seems like I am always taking one step forward and two steps backwards. Just when it we think we're finally able to catch our breath something else goes wrong. I don't need a lot of money. I can do my own laundry and I actually enjoy cooking. (if someone wants to clean toilets, I'll take that ) I just don't want to stress about money all the time. I really try not to. When I think about it and count all my blessings I know that's all I need, but wouldn't it be nice not have to worry. I really want to be able to stay at home with my children as much as possible, but I may not have a choice soon. I know plenty of families don't have a choice at all. I guess I am very lucky that I have a man who is in this life with me. We know we can always count on each other. And I know many people who don't have this. Some people I know seem to make it look so easy. They live in their McMansions and go on big vacations, have nannies and designer clothes. I am one of the only minivans out of a sea of foreign SUV's in my daughters preschool parking lot. I have nothing against people with money, some are close friends. I do get a little envious sometimes, though. Usually, all I have to do is spend some real quality time with my family and it all goes away. They make it all worth it, especially those little pearls of mine who constantly humble me. They want and need, too, but their innocence reminds me what life is all about. Like my husband sings to me when I beg for that Caribbean vacation " You can't always get what you want, but if try real hard, you might just find you get what you need". Thanks Hun.

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