The life and times of a thirtysomething suburban mom.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Weekends are for enlightenment

The good news is the children go back to school in a week and the bad news is the children go back to school in a week. My middle child will start kindergarten this year and it is also a crossroads for me. Another dilemma for me is I will start back teaching at my school in a couple weeks. No more free schedule and sleeping in until 8am. My writing is going to take a serious dive. I will be working one less day this year, so I am thrilled about this, but at the same time I won't be able to blog and work on my story inventions ( as I call them ). I try to look on the bright side...I am able to work part time and see my children as soon as they get out of school. I don't have to work , I need to work. Probably more then I am, but I am trying to strike this balance. I know I can't have it all, at least not all at once. My plan is to get this damned writing thing off the ground so by the time my youngest starts elementary school I can do this writing thing full time at home. Oh, I have dreams.
Over the weekend I kept reminding myself the children go back to school soon. Especially at the grocery store. You know how it is, you run in to grab the basics so your family won't starve or die of food poisoning, and then someone inevitably gets hurt, screams like a banshee so everyone stares at you( I am so over this ) you grab the closet bottle of wine to the checkout counter, pay twice as much as you expected ( bribes, things thrown in when not looking, mamma's little helpers etc...) and get the hell out of there. The Home Depot trip on Sunday wasn't much better. I knew when they were perfect angels at the Pancake House ( no food was thrown and the two year old didn't wet her pants) that it was too good to be true. At least this time, the hubby was present.
But I am going to miss my miracle baby when she goes off to kindergarten and little two turns three on Friday. ( Trying to plan some kind event ) My son got braces last week and time is moving too fast. I am in such conflict about this whole working/staying home thing. Time with the kids, time with my husband, time with myself. I know all of us moms go through this. I am just wondering will I ever get into a groove that works for me. Some days I think money will solve all these troubles, but I know that isn't necessarily true. People say money isn't everything, but it sure doesn't hurt. I have also read it is the number one cause of divorce. But those Hollywood couples have plenty of dough and they don't seem to have such good luck.
My husband and I are trying to be turtles. Go at a slow and steady pace. I know it will pay off. Thank God a girl has her friends to talk to about this stuff.
Off to make muffins in the easy bake oven. ( not the one that burns you) After all, she won't be my baby forever.

1 comment:

Bliss said...

i know mommy. it IS hard to find a balance but don't give up. you might just do it then you can get rich selling your method to the rest of us and you'll never have to work again. :-)